Friday 8 February 2013

We made some changes

After watching our updated title sequence multiple times, we all came to the agreement that the nursery rhyme didn't work as it was too fast and sounded too happy. However, we wanted to keep the nursery rhyme in the sequence so we re-recorded it to make it slower and more creepy and disturbed child-like.
We again put effects onto the audio to make the audience feel uncomfortable when listening to it, just like we want as it's a horror genre. We thought that the effects were successful in doing this.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Re-edited Title Sequence

This is the updated version of our title sequence. After considering all the feedback we added new typography, new colour, new positioning, and added a nursery rhyme. When adding the nursery rhyme we put some effects onto the sound and made it sound creepy and uncomfortable. We thought this sounded good as we thought it worked well with our genre.