Sunday 27 January 2013

Post Production

We had a lot of trouble getting all of our title sequence edited and finished in time to show it due to lack of time, the servers being down and it not saving multiple times. However, after we stayed behind after school and working hard in study periods we finally got it done ready to show. I am personally extremely proud of it and I think it's successful and I think we stayed true to the storyboards and our original idea and vision. However, we did change certain things, such as the nursery rhyme in the background. When we eventually put the nursery rhyme on the video, we thought that instead of making the title sequence more creepy and eerie, the rhyme made it cheesy and it just didn't work. We did make significant changes from our storyboards as we cut many shots out including a shot about a foot in the stream because we realised that it didn't look good.

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